With the help of a former staff
member, Erin Carkner, clients of Refugee
Resettlement were able to take part in a free eye clinic hosted by Carkner Family Vision Care. The clinic was
a chance for our clients, who typically would not see an optometrist, to have
their eyes examined and any problems diagnosed. For one client in particular,
this was vital.
Dr. Carkner found that a young
Somali man who had been in the US only three months, had glaucoma and was able to
give him a referral to a specialist at OHSU. Without the free clinic and the referral,
this man’s sight might well have continued to decline until he lost his sight
completely. Instead, he met with the specialist last week and received eye
drops that will decrease the impact of the glaucoma and help prevent future
sight degeneration.
Catholic Charities Refugee
Resettlement extends a large thank you to Erin and her family for their
generous donation of time and medical treatment.
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