Thursday, June 14, 2012

Summer Program 2012!

      Next month we will be starting our summer program for 35 elementary-aged refugee kids. This program is designed to help refugee youth who have been in the United States for less than one year to maintain their Math and English skills over the summer so that they will be prepared for school in the fall. So far we will have kids from Bhutan, the Dem. Republic of Congo, Somalia, Myanmar, Cuba and Afghanistan! This will be the second year we have done this program. (Read about last year's program in The Oregonian, here.)
This is a picture taken by The Oregonian during last year's
summer program.
     We have two ESL instructors who will teach Math and English in the mornings then in the afternoons there will be crafts and games for the kids. (Sarah, our Jesuit volunteer is already planning some fun and messy science experiments for those afternoon sessions).Our wonderful volunteers and ESL teachers will work with these kids for 5 weeks beginning July 2nd.                                              This program will be held at Ron Russell Middle School alongside a similar program organized by IRCO for middle school and high school-aged refugee students.Right now we are busy putting together a curriculum, gathering supplies and planning field trips.
     We can always use more school supplies--especially glue sticks and backpacks!--so if you have any leads on good sources of free supplies, please call Sarah (503-688-2684) or Erin (503-688-2691). We are also looking for some volunteers to help us transport the kids to and from the program as well as to occasional field trips. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact our volunteer coordinator, Jeanne Toal. We are really excited about this year's program and how much it will help our kids when they go back to school this fall! Keep an eye out for pictures once the program gets underway next month! 

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