Thursday, April 5, 2012

Free ESL classes--part 1

Most refugees realize that they need to learn English to be successful in the United States. Adult refugees attend job-based English classes at IRCO four days per week when they first get to Portland. And, of course, one of the main services our wonderful volunteers offer is to work on English language skills with refugee families. 

In addition to these resources, there are a variety of free English classes and conversation practice groups available for adults who are looking for more English assistance. Many of our refugees are referred to Portland Community College's English for Speakers of Other Languages program (which is a great place to start--for more information click here) or Mt. Hood Community College ($30/term, for more information click here) but for those refugees who are looking for classes outside of PCC or MHCC, there are other free ESL options available in the community (some even include childcare!). Here is a short list of a few of those options—though it is by no means a complete list of everything that is out there!:
Madison High School (2735 NE 82nd Avenue), through their SUN program, is offering free classes starting April 9th, 2012. On Mondays from 6-7pm they offer a beginners English class and on Tuesdays from 6-7pm they offer an intermediate class. They do request that participants register in advance—they can either call Gwen White (503-916-5338) or volunteers can contact Jeanne or Sarah for a copy of the registration form.

 Ron Russell Middle School (3955 SE 112th Avenue) is also offering free ESL classes through their SUN program for all levels on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6-7:30pm, again beginning April 9th. The contact person for these classes is Hilda Sanchez, Family Outreach Coordinator (503-256-6500 X5624).

Goodwill Industries of the Columbia Willamette continues to offer multiple levels of free ESL classes for adults (1943 SE 6th Ave). Participants must take a placement test to register—for more information, visit their website by clicking here.

For simple conversation practice (not a class) refugee adults can go to the Midlands Library (805 SE 122nd Ave) on Saturdays 3:30-5pm. Conversation circles are for people trying to improve their speaking skills and are conducted solely in English. For more details, see their flyer by clicking here.

For more classes—particularly in Beaverton—look for part 2 of this post in the next few weeks. 

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