Monday, March 5, 2012

Refugee Vision Clinic

Dr. Carkner in action
Carkner Family Vision Care donated more than a dozen eye exams and glasses to refugees settled by Catholic Charities during a vision clinic held in February. We have been delivering the glasses this week and the recipients are thrilled with the results. 

     These clinics are a great opportunity for our refugee families since typically their insurance does not provide for basic vision care when they get to the United States. We had been working for some time to address this gap when Dr. Carkner, OD, generously volunteered his team's time and resources. 

     We will continue to hold these vision clinics monthly with Carkner Family Vision Care. If members of the refugee families with whom you volunteer are in need of glasses then please call us and let us know.We will happily add them to our waiting list (the vision clinic can handle about a dozen patients each month). Thanks again to Dr. Carkner, OD, and his team!

This Bhutanese couple received two pairs of bifocals

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