Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Resources for Refugees

Catholic Charities in Portland is a great place for families to find resources, especially during these cold winter months.
At the Catholic Charities Refugee Resettlement offices, there is a master list of all the different resources for families around the city.  Here is a taste of what is out there:
Human Solutions – helps families with energy and water costs 
SnoCap Charities – helps families (especially those with children) get food and clothing if they live east of 82nd ave. 
Fish Emergency Service – helps with rent and utilities and also has a small clothing closet for those who live within certain boundaries. 

Most places do, however, require some sort of documentation in order to receive their services.  Here are some of the documents that may be required at the various organizations around Portland:
  1. Photo ID
  2. Social Security numbers
  3. Birth dates
  4. Income verification
  5. Current power/water/heating bill
  6. Shut off notice (for power/water/heating)
  7. Proof of residency 
Not all organizations require all of these documents, and not all organizations provide the same services.  If you  know someone who may need their assistance, please contact Jeanne Toal here or Sarah Dupont here.

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