Tuesday, December 13, 2011

ZooZoo at the Imago Theater!

Erin, Sarah and all of the kids pose in front of the theater doors

Three Karen boys show us how to "keep it
real" during intermission
         The Imago Theater hosted an event--'Kid's fest'--for underprivileged kids in the Portland area and they saved 15 tickets for Catholic Charities Refugee Resettlement. We brought our elementary-aged kids to the theater for a productions of "ZooZoo." Frogs, hippos, penguins and more danced across the stage (and occasionally through the audience--a polar bear sat on one of our Burmese girls, she was delighted). ZooZoo was particularly wonderful for these kids because it relied exclusively on dance and movement--there were no words so even the newest kids with minimal English could follow along.
Nyibol told me that her favorite  animals
in the show were the cats.
When we first picked up the kids I don't think they had a clue where we were going--they were pretty surprised when the first hippo in pajamas came out on stage. By the end of the performance the kids were laughing out loud and waving at the penguins playing musical chairs. Thanks again to the Imago theater for inviting us to this fantastic show and for giving these kids a chance to just have fun!!!

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