Friday, December 20, 2013

A Jesuit Volunteer Welcome

As 2013 comes to a close, December has been a month of new beginnings for my time here at Catholic Charities Refugee Resettlement. For the second time, a Jesuit Volunteer has been given the chance to be a case manager for a newly arrived family. After a few hold ups because of the shutdown in October, things finally fell into place and I finally have the honor of working with a family.
                On a cold evening in mid-December I ventured to the airport to meet the family coming in from Nepal. Unfortunately, they missed their first flight and were delayed until late at night. At 11 pm, they finally came through security and I accompanied them to baggage claim. We loaded into the big van and set out for Beaverton and the home of their already-resettled family:  father, brother and sister-in-law of the father of the arriving father. It was around midnight when we arrived at the apartment; the exhausted family was able to find the safety of family and a quiet place to sleep after a long journey.
                As the new family started to settle in, I finalized plans on an apartment and helped them get food, winter clothing and any other immediate necessities. Today, a week after they arrived, their own apartment was finally ready. They moved into a freshly cleaned apartment with brand new beds and household items that they chose for themselves. Thanks to a generous donation, I was able to give the children with new toys (including a giant stuffed panda bear), a coloring book and a box of sixty-four crayons!
                As a new comer to refugee resettlement, it was an awesome experience to have a hand in the entire welcome experience from securing an apartment to reuniting a family. I’m excited to see what the next eight months will hold for this family as we move together into the wide world of refugee resettlement. Being a part of the team that helps resettle a family has been great, but there is something truly exhilarating and rewarding about case management in the resettlement process.